We don't have classes on Friday so eventually we can travel if we would like. So yesterday we went to the open air market, visited the stadium, went to Syntagma and Monastraki and did some shopping. The poet is a custom sandal maker. You go in and pick out a style of sandal and if you like it, they fit it to your foot.
These are some random photos of statues within the park....and rose in front of the statue (pictured right)
And that's all! There will be more pictures on facebook, Kaitlyn also has a photo of me getting my sandals fitted. And now I have a crap load of homework to do....
The Above pictures are of the Stadium
We also went on a little nature walk near the stadium, where we caught two turtles in the act
(pictured below left)
This is rose creeping on an aloe plant (above right)
This is the view from near the stadium
We then walked through the National Gardens. The pictures below are from this walk. The pictures of the building below is the Zappion which is the Congress Hall
The picture below is of the Zappion ceiling
These are some random photos of statues within the park....and rose in front of the statue (pictured right)
The below pictures are random pictures of parts of the actual gardens
This ends the pictures of the Gardens and the pictures below are of Syntagma and Manastraki
Finally! Pictured below is the Poet (the Sandal Maker of Athens)
And that's all! There will be more pictures on facebook, Kaitlyn also has a photo of me getting my sandals fitted. And now I have a crap load of homework to do....
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